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Odrysi / Odrysowie / Odryzowie
"… Królestwo Odrysów za panowania Sitalkesa w latach 431-424 p.n.e.Odrysowie (Odryzowie) – jedno z plemion trackich, które w V wieku p.n.e. utworzyło silne państwo na terenie obecnej Bułgarii. Za twórcę państwa uchodził król Odrysów Teres, panujący w latach ok. 480–450 p.n.e. Wykorzystawszy klęskę Persów pod Platejami w 479 r. p.n.e. zrzucił jarzmo małoazjatyckiego imperium. …" [1]
"… The Odrysian Kingdom (/oʊˈdrɪʒən/; Ancient Greek: Βασίλειον Ὀδρυσῶν; Latin: Regnum Odrysium) was a state union of over 40 Thracian tribes[2] and 22 kingdoms[3] that existed between the 5th century BC and the 1st century AD. It consisted mainly of present-day Bulgaria, spreading to parts of Southeastern Romania (Northern Dobruja), parts of Northern Greece and parts of modern-day European Turkey. …" [2]
"…The Odrysians
The Odrysians (Odrysae or Odrusai, Ancient Greek: Ὀδρύσαι) were one of the most powerful Thracian tribes that dwelled in the plain of the Hebrus river.[7] This would place the tribe in the modern border area between Southeastern Bulgaria, Northeastern Greece and European Turkey, centered around the city of Edirne.[8][9] The river Artescus[10] passed through their land as well. Xenophon[11] writes that the Odrysians held horse races and drank large amounts of wine after the burial of their dead warriors. Thucydides writes on their custom, practised by most Thracians, of giving gifts for getting things done,[12] which was refuted by Heraclides. Herodotus was the first writer to mention the Odrysae. …" [2]
1) Wikipedia
2) Wikipedia
The Odrysians
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